A bit about us.

A bit about us.

whispy clouds


A bit about us.


What a crazy year it’s been but I’ve been really grateful for this season for many reasons.

It’s been a time to slow down, reflect and think about the future. During this time, I’ve had lots of personal and professional break throughs - I’ve changed roles, moved back to country and now have a strong vision for my future.

Ngoodjida was created out of a dream to share unique stories across a number of mediums. I didn’t want to be constricted to one type.

Like many millenials, I consume my media in a lot of different ways - reading news articles, flicking through social media, watching Youtube, etc. So, I wanted to be able to share my stories in a diverse way.

As a young Media student I was deterred from entering the world of journalism for a number of reasons. They were: the very evident issues of racism within the media institutions, the editorial process - being told what  types of stories I had to tell and wanting more creative freedom.

I also believe as blackfullas it’s important to stay true to our identity, while forging our own path. 

So here we are, forging our own path. Sharing culture, creating understanding.

Please join us on this journey.

Cultural accountability: what is it and how does it work in 2020?

Cultural accountability: what is it and how does it work in 2020?